ASPEN 2025

Meet us at ASPEN 2025 Nutrition Science & Practice Conference.

March 22 - 24 2025 | Columbus Ohio

Boot n. 208


Worldwide Leader in the process to manufacture nutritional, blood and drainage bags

valmed is made in Italy


Valmed, in compliance with the provisions of the law and with a view to guaranteeing correctness and transparency in the conduct of its business, it has set up a "Whistleblowing" computer system, available to anyone who wants to report situations relevant to the purposes of the law or internal regulations. The report must refer solely to breaches of the law or of internal procedures and regulations, including the Code of Ethics, therefore, reports concerning complaints, personal requests or, more generally, circumstances not relevant to may not be taken into consideration. In order to protect as much as possible the "whistleblower" and the "signaled person", security measures have been adopted: regardless of the choice made by the "whistleblower" to make an anonymous or non-anonymous report (as indicated in the following point 6), confidentiality of the whistleblower identity of the content of the report are guaranteed through secure protocols and cryptographic tools that protect personal data and information provided. The identity of the whistleblower is never disclosed without his consent, with the exception of the cases provided for by current legislation Down below you can find the link to the platform for the whistleblowing platform :

My Governance - v4.0


Via dell'industria 3
23030 Tovo Sant’Agata, SO, Italy
Phone: +39 0342 771049
Fax: +39 0342 771709
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Investimenti Sostenibili 4.0